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projectcorfu.com would like to thanks the following resources for their contribution in our try to promote Corfu Island. Here you can read our terms of use
Vido'sIsland Βιβλιογραφία : Κέρκυρα Ταξίδι στο χρόνο. Κ.Σουρτζίνου.
Venetian Shipyard source: Wikipedia
Temple of Artemis Authors: Γαρυφαλιά Μεταλληνού, αρχαιολόγος Μαρία Νάκου, αρχαιολόγος odysseus.culture
Kardaki Temple Authors: Δέσποινα Ζερνιώτη, archaeologist photographic material: art-hellas
Aggelokastro(Angel's castle) source: Wikipedia photographic material: Dr.K.
Gardiki Castle source: Wikipedia photographic material: Marc Ryckaert
Kassiopi Castle source: Wikipedia
Culture and Architecture corfu.gr
Monastery of Theotokos Paleocastritsa panoramio http://www.monastiria.gr/
Paleokastritsa Village source: Wikipedia photographic material: panoramio
Village Vistonas photographic material:panoramio
Church of St. Christopher photographic material:panoramio
Archaeological Museum of Corfu source: Wikipedia Photo Gallery: Dr.K
Byzantine Museum of Antivouniotissa source: Wikipedia photo gallery: Official Site, Dr.K.
Palace of St. Michael and St. George source: Wikipedia photo gallery: Piotrus
Mon Repo (Palace) source: Wikipedia photo gallery: Snow Crystals, Marc Ryckaert
Ionian Academy source: Wikipedia
The Theater of San Giacomo source: Wikipedia
Municipal Theatre of Corfu source: Wikipedia
Naplemente by SiMoon from panoramio
Home page text source:corfu.gr
Última actualización: 2015-01-29 05:26:06