Near the gate of the New Fortress and at the end of Solomon Street lies the Latin Church of Virgin Mary of Tenedos, which is one of the most interesting churches of the city for architecture. Being named after a picture of the Virgin Mary, who transferred to Corfu from Tenedos Catholic clergy, refugees who fled their monastery after the fall of Byzantium. The construction of placed at the end of the 15th century. Renovated in 1723 as shown by the inscription above the main entrance. There worked in 1797 the first public library of Greece. Also in the Church in 1798, the era of democratic French, worked the first printing press in Greece. It was printed the Thourio of Rigas Feraios and other national scripts. Still, there worked the 1805-1824 the first public school, which was founded by Ioannis Kapodistrias and in 1808 was housed the newly formed Ionian Academy.
The church of St. Kitts is located in the center of the village. With prominent architekroniki dominates among other buildings. Inside the church is dominated by the rich decoration with pictures. If you are in the V....